I have always felt close to my dogs. I rescue them from shelters, however, I believe they rescue me. My dogs provide companionship, inspiration and help me cope with loneliness due to a managed environment from asthma and MCS--Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
Many people indicate their cats provide them with the same comfort I have enjoyed from my dogs. Though I am unable to have them because their indoor waste odor triggers my illnesses, I have incorporated cats into my portfolio at the request of other passionate pet owners like myself.
My paintings, colorful representations of canine and feline life, are universal symbols for all cats and dogs. Animals like people, come from many different backgrounds. Some breeds were mixed to create new breeds. Cats and dogs adopted from shelters may be a potpourri of breeds.
I use mood-evoking color to move past breed specifics by painting happenings, circumstances and situations occurring in the lives of cats and dogs. I see similar parallels in animals and their human guardians. When we move past specifics of breed, race etc., I believe the bigger pictures is to be loved and accepted.