A bit of whimsy and fun can be felt in my "Pop Pets" cat and dog acrylic paintings! These one of a kind original paintings would look great placed in a funky home decor or in a child's bedroom.
This painting is from a public art project I participated in. I received five canvases with five randomly user selected words to interpret. (Scroll down to the "dog" section below to see the remaining paintings.)
I recalled the saying "fighting like cats and dogs" upon seeing the word "foe". Cats do seem a bit more persnickety at times than dogs. I painted this kitty with a halo so folks would realize I was just kidding.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Cats and Halloween go hand-in-hand and my painting reminds me of a Jack-O-Lantern. What do you think?
The four dog paintings below are from a public art project. I received five blank canvases with five randomly user selected words to interpret. (See "Foe" above in cat section for the other painting.)
This is one of my favorite paintings. It says "Lucy" all over it as she lays looking like she has "heavy" thoughts happening in that noggin of hers. I wish I knew exactly what she was thinking. I'm sure it goes something like this:
Pet me, food, (*sniff-sniff*), potty, take me for a walk, (*lick-lick*), sun bathing time..., (*slurp-slurp*), food, nap, pet me, potty, roll in the grass, pet me again (*bouncy-bounce*-the ball), ride?!!, really?!!, food, potty, tv time, scratch my butt, please, pet me more and I'll pet you in return by washing your entire face (*kiss-kiss*).
So what do you think? Sound familiar? Does that say it all in dog language?
Whenever we arrive home, Lucy greets us with her ears up and back, her eyes like swirlly spirals practically popping out of her head, a big smile and lots of french kisses. And, oh yes, those words "Got food?"
The command "over" was more of a challenge for Lucy to learn. I painted a poodle, one of the smartest dogs, giving it a scholarly look with a faux mortarboard and glasses. I remember Lucy looking at me funny when learning the word as I stretched the sound--"ooooooover". Hence, the circular mouth expression on the painting.
Here is my interpretation of the word, "series", using Retrievers--Yellow, Golden, Chocolate and Black. I'm paying homage to one of my favorite pop artists, Andy Warhol.